Verbul in limba engleza – partea 2- verbe modale

Verbul este impartit in trei categorii :

1. verbe auxiliare/ajutatoare (be, do, have)

2. verbe modale

3. restul verbelor

2. Verbe modale (modal verbs)

Verb modal



can a putea I can learn English.
could a putea (in trecut) I could learn English.
may a avea permisiunea, posibilitatea I may come to the party.
might o posibilitate mai mica I might come to the party.
must a trebui I must go now.
ought to ar trebui (obligatie morala) I ought to call my mum.
shall sugestie Shall I come with you?
should ar trebui (ca sfat) You should think about it.
will cerinta (mai putin politicos ca would)promisiune Will you pay the bill?I will come with you.
would a cere/oferi ceva Would you like a coffee?
need not a nu fi necesar I needn’t cook tonight; we’ll visit Ana.

Exista si cateva expresii care desi nu sunt verbe modale sunt foarte apropiate ca inteles de acestea:

had better– I had better call him.

have got toI’ve got to call him.

Reguli generale pentru verbele modale:

1. la timpul prezent simplu nu primesc s/es la persoana a 3 a singular:

Corect: He can read.

Gresit: He cans read.

2. verbele care le urmeaza TREBUIE sa fie la infinitivul scurt.

Corect: He can drink.

Gresit: He can drinking/drunk/to drink.

3. negativul lor se formeaza cu “not”:

Exemplu: You must not leave the room.

4. nu pot fi folosite decat la prezent; pentru trecut sau viitor se folosesc expresii echivalente


He can read. – He will be able/capable to read.

He must read. – He will have to read.

He may read. – He is allow/permitted to read.


Vino la cursul de engleza organizat de Crystal Mind si vei afla cat de frumoasa si usor de invatat este aceasta limba !

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