In limba engleza “money” face parte din categoria substantivelor nenumarabile (uncountable nouns) asa cum este si “water”, “mud”, “information” . Ca urmare varianta corecta este “money is”. Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. (Woody Allen) Banii…
Category: Tip of the day
Ambiance sau Ambience
Desi unele dictionare listeaza “ambiance” (pronuntie /ˈambɪəns/) ca fiind varianta corecta “ambience ” (/ˈæmbɪəns/) este mult mai folosit in vorbirea curenta (desi , fara a fi o regula neaparat, in legatura cu design-ul prima varianta e mai des folosita). In…
“in regard to” sau “in regards to”
in regard to = forma corecta (la fel ca si “with regard to”) In regard to the new plan, we have some ideas. in regards to = forma gresita (la fel ca si “with regards to”) Conf. cu “The…
apologize sau apologise
Ambele forme sunt corecte: varianta “apologize” este preferata in engleza americana varianta “apologise” este preferata in engleza britanica! Exemplu: I apologize to him for my mistake! Hai la cursul de engleza organizat de Crystal Mind si vei…
canceled vs. cancelled
“fish” sau ” fishes”
“been” sau “gone”
infinitiv trecut participiu trecut to go went gone/been Gone este participiu trecut pentru to go iar been pentru to be. Totusi putem folosi been daca vrem sa spunem ca am mers/fost intr-un loc si ne-am intors deja. She has gone to…
“alone” vs “lonely”
alone = without other people around; on your own “Home alone” was a very funny movie! lonely = unhappy/sad because you have no friends, no company, nobody around you We moved house and I am very lonely here, I don’t…
“allude” vs “elude”
to allude – to make an indirect reference; pronuntie (ə-lo̅o̅d′) Exemplu: During the meeting Mr. Ionescu alluded to some of the problems but didn’t mention them. elude – verb- to cleverly escape from; to avoid; pronuntie (ĭ-lo̅o̅d′) Exemplu: The suspect managed…
“all ready” vs “already”
All ready – completely ready, all prepared; in acest caz all – toti/toate Example: Are you all ready to come home? Already – an adverb – earlier than the time expected Example: I called her to come to the theatre but…
“accept” vs “except”
Accept – verb – agree to take something – pronuntie ăk-sept Exemplu: The banks always accept coins. Except – de obicei prepozitie sau conjunctie – not including – pronuntie ik-sept Exemplu: I go to work every day except Saturday and…
“would like” sau “do you like”
Would you like = when inviting someone to do something specific or when we offer something Exemplu: Would you like to drink a coffee? Would you like some more milk for your coffee? would like = want Forma politicoasa, formala…
“interested in/about/at”
CORECT: to be interested in = to engage or excite the attention or curiosity of somebody in something EXEMPLU: I am very interested in hearing your story. I’m not interested in football. I prefer volleyball. GRESIT: interested about/at …
“satisfied about” sau “satisfied with”
CORECT: satisfied with = pleased with someone or something Exemplu: I am satisfied with my job. Hai la cursul de engleza organizat de Crystal Mind si vei afla cat de frumoasa si usor de invatat este engleza ! Vrei…
Cum pronuntam corect “live”
Sunt 2 variante de pronuntie pentru “live“: 1.“i” se pronunta ca in cuvantul “this” atunci cand “live” este verb: Exemplu: I live in Bucharest. 2. “i” se pronunta ca in cuvantul “five – 5 “ atunci cand “live“ este adjectiv:…