Diferente intre: say, tell, speak, talk

                 Say a spune – utilizat atat in vorbirea directa cat si in vorbirea indirecta


1. poate fi urmat de o propozitie care incepe cu that sau wh – word (mai ales la intrebari sau propozitii negative)

Exemplu: Maria said that she had called me. Maria didn’t say when she would call again.

2. daca punem dupa o persoana/obiect folosim to

Corect: She said to me all those things. 

                 He said “Hello” to me.

Gresit: She said me all those things.

               He said “Hello” me.

3. poate fi urmat de cuvinte precum something, nothing, anything, much, a lot:

Exemplu: She didn’t say much.


                Tell – a zice, a spune –utilizat pentru a da informatii unei persoane


1. tell (prezent) si told (trecut) sunt mereu urmate de o persoana

Exemplu: I told her to come home.

2. sau de o propozitie care incepe cu wh-word

Exemplu: The student told why he hadn’t finished the homework.

3. apare in diverse expresii precum:

tell a lie – a spune o minciuna

tell the truth – a spune adevarul

tell a story – a zice o poveste

4. apare in constructii imperative

Exemplu: Tell your brother to come right away.


              speak – a vorbi

              talk – a vorbi


1. nu este o difereta asa mare intre ele; in cazul speak with/to (someone) putem utiliza si talk to / with.

2. speak este deseori utilizat cu privire la lb straine/cunostinte avute

  I speak English; my sister speaks four languages.

3. speak este preferat in situatiile formale si talk in cele informale.

Exemplu: I talk to my friends. 

                I speak to my boss.

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